planners know how to ask questions and listen well and how to be persuasive. these skills help in new business.
new business is all about the persuasion business.
from how not to come in second: the art of winning business pitches by david kean
“persuading people of our point of view and getting them to back our judgement with their money is what makes the business world go around. and the sharpest end of the persuasion business is the new business pitch: that intense and brief period when you get to make your case to the potential client.”
where they need our help is selling the idea in
let’s talk.
why winning matters.
one agency’s story.
using planning to fuel your agency’s growth.
new opportunities for your personal growth.
why winning matters.

win > p.r. > clients call > confidence grows > win more > "hot" > talent magnet > clients buy better work > confidence grows > produce better work > win
richmond, virginia, is comfortably an hour and a half from everything, so it's harder to leave, and there's not a lot of turnover at the martin agency
martin has had geico account for 13 years
the client had to follow the agency around the curve
geico = government employee insurance company
campaigns have multiple storylines
you need the win to get the p.r., but you need the p.r. to get the win.
barely there
our industry uses new business as a barometer of an agency’s success
agency report cards
what are we selling?
a process?: a necessity but it’s parity
a strategy?
a big idea?
a creative solution?
a communications plan?
90% of the time, the pitch idea isn’t produced
an agency belief system
they’re deciding to back your judgment with their money
repeatable success
they need to know you can do that again
an agency they can trust to lead them around corners
greatest tenet of leadership
colin powell
“when people are willing to follow you if only out of a sense of curiosity"
strength building.
uncover your greatest areas for growth.
build around your satisfactions.
ask your clients insightful questions. listen well.
build, don’t destroy.
you cannot turn your weakness into a strength. you can turn your strength into a selling point.
the key to selling yourself is believing in it and being passionate about it.
we looked at things we did our best at
which ones have been the most fulfilling? what brings us the greatest joy?
13 years ago, no one wanted to work on geico
ask loyalists: why you love the brand you love?
do current client interviews. ask: why did you pick us? why do you stay?
we don’t have a house style like crispin and wieden do.
the martin agency's solutions are completely different.
that’s its greatest strength: you can help clients be their best selves.
your agency has had the success it has because you're good at some things.
what are we really good at that we can expand on?

identifying our brand opportunity

core compentency: we are structured to put fewer boundaries on ideas than any other agency in the country
current equity: creative agency, collaborative, nice people outside major metro area
consumer insight: we enjoy working with brands that sell everyday products to everyday people in not-so-everyday ways.
business dynamics: clients are seeking a new agency model, one that brings agencies and brands together differently.
i don’t want units. i want people
the martin agency has been around for 42 years.

under one roof.
ownership team: advertising, direct marketing, interactive marketing, sports/event marketing, design, media, branded content, product publicity, consumer intelligence, data analytics
where you place it can be more important about what you say or how it looks.
team of 4 to 6: account person, strategist, creative director, media person
part of your bonus is whether your client met their business goals.
what is it that the client needs to do in the business world?
the client can call any one of the people on the team, and they usually sit together.
it wasn't about changing who we were. it was about selling better who we were.
opportuinity: we aim to create game-changing brands—brands that transform categories, consumers.
ways to change the game.
business definition: transforming your definition of the business you’re in: ups
category dynamics: transforming how businesss is done in your category: geico
target definition: transforming the definition of your target audience: tlc
consumer perceptions: transforming the perception of your brand among your current audience: barely there
game-changing results
ups: nonshipping revenue has more than doubled, ranked #1 in supply chain management
geico: phone inquiries and sales quadrupled in the last ten years
tlc: tune-in for new series triple the norm, moved from #5
our journey.
new business wins
didn’t have the curiosity to lead them up a hill
65%/2005 lost marshalls, office depot, bmw
there is no such thing as a total loss in new business. if your perspective is to look at new business as r&d
for marhalls and office depot, we were studying the retail space. time is not the biggest motivator in deciding where to shop. for wal-mart. we were pitching five brands at once because the people are different.
bmw pitch: we won over a consultant.
there are 7 wal-marts within 15 miles of the martin agency.
our journey.
discover, Sirius satellite radio, bf goodrich, cruzan rum, tlc, x games, burt’s bees, barely there
sell who you are today with what you have today
make lemonade out of lemons
create the perception
take the testimonial and give it a twist
what can brown do for you?
(the martin agency reel of pop culture clips)
wal-mart was the strategic challenge of the decade.
if you make it to the finals, you’re in adweek.
the best christmas ever.
dec 15: call for round 2
dec 21: final presentation in bentonville
dec 23: wsj debuts new look, geico as lead story
jan 2: ad age best agency list
jan 6: new ups campaign launches
jan 12: wal-mart win announcement
21 new accounts in 24 months
100 new employees in 6 months
repeatable creative success
broader awareness
a better, stronger, more confident martin agency
the world didn’t need another crispin. the world doesn’t need another goodby. at the end of the day, all the martin agency would be is a worse crispin or a worse goodby
what we needed was a better martin agency.
an agency belief something more than anything else
“there are years in which nothing happens and years in which centuries happen.”
carlos fuentes
if you don’t know the geico caveman, maybe you’ve been living in a cave
starting an advertising evolution
location advantage: more in touch with average person
will let us swing and miss
i interviewed search consultants. you need to make sure you deliver so they don’t look bad
every time you pitch, it’s a huge amount of money and time
the martin agency sent a quarterly mailing to search consultants.
what’s the difference between the role of new business
new business will come up with a strategy for how we’re going to win
the martin agency is in two reviews: one where we’re the largest agency, one where we’re the smallest
will a very large client crush our culture? not if everyone knows what we’re about
it costs a lot to move someone to richmond. hire people based on referrals
if you’re coming to richmond, it’s because you want to work at the martin agency
bar none they did the best at getting to know the client. the whirlwind had to do with the mistakes of the few
martin buzz video set the mood of the reel
listening for the wish: if you listen hard enough, you will hear what the client’s seeking
what a client wants is not always what they say they’re looking for
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